Computer Music

> Step by step

3. Signal tapping with MeldaProdu­ction MCompare


1 MeldaProdu­ction’s MCompare can be used to instantly A/B between two points in a channel’s signal path – for example, to listen to your pre- and postmaster processing with one click. Here, we load two instances of MCompare on our master output: one before any effects, the other at the end of the plugin chain.

2 Open the pre-effects instance of MCompare and head to its Generate Source tab. Clicking on the Listening button opens a dropdown where we can choose one of 16 source generator slots – we select Generating Source 1. The plugin now sends its output signal to our second MCompare…

3 Open the second MCompare from the end of the signal path; click Source 1. We now hear the signal the first instance is sending, and we can A/B between these pre- and post-effects signals with one click. Turn up this slot’s Gain (or activate ALC) to match the two signals’ level and evaluate your processing at equal volume.

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