Computer Music

> Step by step

7. More exercises for building speed and dexterity



To further build speed and dexterity, these next exercises involve playing the notes in the chord one at a time. So the same idea as the previous exercise, but instead of playing all three notes in the chords at once, we play them as ‘broken’ chords. Starting in C major triad position, play C, E and G one after the other. 2

Time to move on up to the next chord. After playing the G, while still holding the key down, move your thumb over to the right slightly to cover the D key. This will get you into the correct position to play the next chord up, a D minor broken chord. Follow up the D with the other two notes in the chord, F and A. 3

With finger 5 on the A key, shift your thumb over again to cover the E key and play the E minor broken chord (E, G, B), then continue in a similar way up the scale as in the previous exercise. At the top, reverse the order of the broken chords (eg. play G, E, C not C, E, G) and work back down to the starting point.

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