Computer Music



To provide quick access to a variety of delay configurat­ions Roland’s RE-201 includes a 12 mode selector, and this is replicated on the T-RackS version. The first four modes activate only the delay heads (the spring reverb is bypassed) with modes 1 to 3 each activating a specific head and mode 4 a combinatio­n of heads 2 and 3. Modes 5 to 11 activate combinatio­ns of specific delay heads and spring reverb, and in mode 11 all three delay heads and the reverb are active. Mode 12 is just the reverb. If this all sounds a little bit confusing, LEDs next to the Delay Pans provide you with a visual indication of which of the heads are active. If you really need to check what’s happening there’s a detailed table in the manual. Replicatin­g the delay time limitation­s of the original hardware means picking a mode that works best. So, Mode 5 is great for a reverby slap back delay, while Mode 4 is better for simple panned double delay.

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