Computer Music

> Step by step

Viennese bass


Call upon Dune CM to create a reasonable facsimile of Chris Cross’ impactful bass patch. Start with an Init patch and select square waves for all three oscillator­s. Osc Mix goes to about 29%, and Osc 3 Level to 68%. Set Osc 2’s Semi to -12. Osc 1 and 2’s Fine goes to -10.0 and 10.0, respective­ly.

In Osc Common, P/Width goes to 25%. In the Filter, select LP24+Saturation as the mode. Cutoff goes to 27%, and Env to 60%. In the Amp Envelope, set Decay and Release to 50%. (The original Minimoog shared a single control for both Decay and Release.)

Finally, to the Filter Envelope. Here, set Decay at 47% and crank the Sustain down. Our Release should be 38% or so. That brings us very close to the sharp and solid thwack of the original Minimoog sound. You can, of course, fine tune it even further as you like.

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