Computer Music

> Step by step

Don’t Go lead


Set AlphaCM’s Z-Init patch. Select Square1 for both Oscs’ A wave, and a sawtooth for Osc 2’s B Wave. Set Osc 1’s Wave fully clockwise and Osc 2’s to 10 o’clock. Set the Octaves of both Osc’s A waves to -1. Crank Detune up to just past 10 o’clock. Set the Filter’s Drive to just under 2 oc.

Filter envelope Depth should be full. Give the Attack knob a nudge. Set Decay to 10 o’clock, and Sustain off. Release should be set to just under 11 o’clock. A quick play tells us we’re almost there! We’ll leave it to you to figure out the riff – we don’t want to infringe on any copyrights!

In the Matrix, select LFO 1 as source for two slots. Set Osc 1 Symmetry as the first destinatio­n, and Osc 2 Symmetry as the second and Amounts to 0.9 and 0.66. Un-sync the LFO, and set its Freq to 3.8. In the Filter, the Cutoff is just over 9 o’clock, and Resonance just under 9.

On the amp, nudge the Volume up to 12 o’clock and kill the Velocity. Give the

Amp Env’s Attack a nudge and crank both the Decay and Sustain clockwise. Release should be 10 o’clock. Use Acon Digital CM Verb and dial in a short reverb to mimic the 2600’s springs.

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