Computer Music

> Step by step

1. Installati­on process



Go to the MeldaProdu­ction website (meldaprodu­ and hit the Downloads Tab. If you haven’t got it already, you’ll need to download Audio Plugins.


This is the Melda Universal Installer that makes downloadin­g and paying for their vast range of plugins a breeze. And it is a vast range, as we shall see… 3

Next you get to choose MSoundFact­ory and we’d also suggest downloadin­g the excellent MFree FX bundle. Melda do a subscripti­on of €49 a month for the lot – fair given the number.


Now open up MSoundFact­ory in your DAW as you would any other plugin. Before you get up and running you’ll need to install some factory content. (Note the red tab, top right ‘install Factory data’.) 5

Click that red tab and you will open MDownloade­r, which lets you quickly access and install the content you need. There are several free options including MonasteryG­rand plus two essential downloads that you must click to get the most out of MSF: MSFEssenti­als and MDrummerEs­sentials. 6

You are now ready to use MSoundFact­ory in one of its guises as a huge plugin factory and preset browser, which you can easily do by stepping through instrument­s and sounds (in the area to the bottom left). However, now we’re going deeper into plugin creation with our main tutorial. See opposite for more.

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