Computer Music

> Step by step

1. Getting started with Rift Filter Lite CM



To get your own copy of Rift Filter Lite CM and the sample packs worth $50, you need to register an account or log in at­sic. If you don’t already have an account, hit the Register button.


Head to this issue (299) and click on it. You will get a question related to the issue (it will be easy and not the one above!). Simply enter your answer, making sure you put the correct casing on the letters in the reply.


You should have now unlocked the content for this issue (299). Scroll down to the software section of the content, download and open the folder, ‘FREE PLUGIN! Your Minimal Audio Rift Filter Lite and sample pack Instructio­ns’. You will see the screen above.


Now simply hit the ‘Unlock Content’ icon to download the instructio­ns. It shouldn’t take long as it is a simple text file. Open it! Follow the first link to the Minimal Audio website.


You’ll need to create an account with Minimal Audio simply by entering your email address. You’ll also have a password auto generated (or choose your own). It’s not essential, but make a note of this password.


Now go to the second link in that text file you downloaded in step 3. If you are still logged in (likely) you will then be asked to enter a special Redeem Serial Code, also found in that text file. (If you have logged out for any reason, enter your email and password here too.)


You’ll be taken to a page with the plugin installers and five sound packs. Download the installers (Mac or PC plus the manual while you’re at it). Install Rift Filter Lite CM as you would any other plugin. (We’ll cover the sound packs on page 87.)


Rift Filter Lite CM should now be picked up when your DAW loads. Head to the plugins folder and it will appear in the Minimal Audio folder (as shown with Logic above).

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