Computer Music




Use multiband compressio­n to control specific frequency bands when you’re listening to your raw vocals. Do you need to fix harsh frequencie­s? More grit in the lower end of the vocalist’s range? You can do so much to tailor a single frequency band rather than a whole vocal track. This includes attack time, gain, release, the compressio­n threshold, even sidechaini­ng. When mixing hip-hop vocals, take control. The listener hangs on every word so it’s important to get it sounding right. For the highest level of control, use multiband compressio­n.


Because rap is so much closer to the spoken word than singing, harsh sibilances and consonants come through a recorded vocal with much more prominence. The way to tackle those harsh esses and tees is with a de-esser. I swear by Sibilance by Waves as a highly refined control tool. It’s such a fine balance between keeping the sharpness of the vocal while taming high sibilance, because de-essers are essentiall­y a kind of filter. But this one allows you to really zone in on the regions you want to control and set by how much.

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