Computer Music

> Step by step

3. Clean reverbs



IronVerb CM has its own tone and although algorithmi­c in design it’s certainly not subtle. To that end, let’s have a look at some of its sounds and what it’s good for. As you change presets, keep an eye on the preset bar, where you’ll see the usage category.


Let’s start with presets where Ironize is set to Clean and room mode Normal. Load up the preset Drum Medium Room. We’ve loaded it on an auxiliary so we can add it to various different drum sounds. This preset uses the Flutter mode.


Adding this to a snare, the first thing you’ll notice is that despite the ‘medium’ name, this reverb is quite short. It also has a minimal predelay and the effect is very dense. It’s ideal for adding body to beats. Try it on beatbox kick and snare for that classic 80s sound.


Now let’s try something quite different. Swap the preset to Stab Chorus. This is a longer reverb, although still using the Normal setting, and if you look at the modulation section parameters in the bottom right, you can see quite a bit of modulation is applied.


Grab a stabby synth sound – we’re using the preset VengeanZ RL from Synapse Dune CM – and program up a stabby lead part. Now send some to the reverb using the auxiliary send. You don’t need too much, but this creates a big, dense, anthemic sound. Solo the reverb return, and you’ll hear the pitchy modulation in the tail.


Sticking with this setup, let’s try another similar preset – Medium Slapback. This is smaller and has slower modulation, although once again if you solo the return you can hear the pitchy effect. With our stabby synth, this is great for a tighter anthemic feel.

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