Computer Music

Ins & outs


KRAFT PUNK Ahead of the release of his new solo record Time, legendary Kraftwerk beatsmith Wolfgang Flür has revealed that Daft Punk’s Thomas Bangalter collaborat­ed on a track, along with New Order bass icon Peter Hook and DJ Juan Atkins. We can’t wait to hear the results.

PLAYING FAIR The European Parliament has voted for new legislatio­n to ensure fairer payouts for musicians and artists from streaming platforms. Key issues under discussion were how to tackle the unfair playing field that favours extremely popular artists, and the rising threats of AI.

TOOLING-UP Avid has announced some upgrades to Pro Tools, namely much greater MIDI functional­ity, including plugin support and signal flow improvemen­ts. It has also promised far smoother Sibelius interactio­n when it comes to importing projects.


Legendary DJ, producer and label co-founder Silent Servant (aka

John Juan Mendez) passed away in January. With a 30-year career as an electronic musician and having been a respected fixture at some of the world’s biggest clubs, Mendez will be greatly missed.


There was confusion last month when Pioneer DJ’s parent company AlphaTheta announced that further products would sport that name and not the recognised Pioneer branding. It was later clarified that further Pioneer DJ products will sit separately.


A new Elvis hologram experience, titled ‘Elvis Evolution’ looks set to buck the trend of resurrecti­ng deceased icons digitally. Opening in London, the show uses AI and archive material to reincarnat­e the King, for classic hits and (virtual) hip-swinging fun.

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