Computer Music

> Step by step

1. Classic synth basics: monophonic, polyphonic, voices versus oscillator­s


1 There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to voices, oscillator­s and notes, so we’ll start this polyphonic tour by hitting the subject head on. First up, the oscillator­s that generate the waveforms are the core components of an analogue synth. Here are those from the iconic Prophet-5 polysynth (c/o Arturia).

2 The waveforms generated on a typical subtractiv­e polysynth will be similar to those on a monosynth – they use the same synthesis principles. These waveforms are from a Minimoog but they’re similar shapes to those on the Prophet-5 (step 1). (Note the square wave selected on OSC2 is available on both oscillator­s on the Prophet-5.)

3 When it comes to monophonic versus polyphonic synths, the core of everything comes down to the number of voices on a synth, not the number of oscillator­s. These might be very different figures! A monophonic synth has just one voice; the legendary Jupiter-8 has eight (the eight in its name).

4 Confusion arises because, while a monosynth has a single voice, it might have more oscillator­s. The Minimoog famously has three, all generating waveforms, but these are passed through a single signal chain, so a single note is played. This explains why the Mini has its famous fat sound: it uses a lot of oscillator­s to generate just one voice.

5 More confusion comes in when you take a typical polysynth. And while its voice count might be eight, so you can play eight notes at once, it only has two oscillator­s, all evident again on the famous Jupiter-8.

6 The important factor is that each of these eight voices can access two oscillator­s, so while the synth might only have two oscillator­s shown on the front panel, it actually has 16 under the bonnet. So you can play up to eight notes/voices, triggering up to 16 oscillator­s.

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