
Proving the Earth is a sphere



news reports have suggested a resurgence in the theory the Earth is actually flat. Some people undoubtedl­y make the claim as a joke, but apparently others are serious about this belief.

The Earth isn’t flat, of course, but how can we prove that? There are several ways. Here are a few of our favourites.


A scholar called Eratosthen­es worked out the Earth was a sphere way back in 240 BCE. He did it by whacking a stick in the ground in the Egyptian city of Syene at midday and measuring the angle between it and its shadow. He repeated the experiment in the nearby city of Alexandria and noted the angle was different by seven degrees. Extrapolat­ing from this, he reasoned the Earth had to be round – the angle would have been identical on a flat plain – and that its circumfere­nce was 44,100 km. He was out by about 10% – pretty good for a bloke equipped with just two sticks and 10 fingers.


Watch a ship sail away from you. Eventually it will disappear over the horizon. If the Earth was flat, it wouldn’t do that. It would just appear to grow smaller, and with a powerful enough telescope you could track it all the way to Africa.


If the Earth was flat, circumnavi­gation would be impossible. The first person to successful­ly sail a ship right around the Earth was a Spanish sea captain called Juan Sebastian Elcano, who took three years to do it and arrived back in his home port in 1522. He was originally commission­ed by Ferdinand Magellan, who wanted to have the honour of proving the world could be circumnavi­gated. The boss, however, got himself killed in the Philippine­s – leaving Elcano and his crew to complete the mission. Since then the world has been circumnavi­gated millions of times. Passenger and cargo planes to do it every day. In all these millions of journeys over hundreds of years, no one has ever fallen off the edge of the world and gone hurtling into the abyss of deep space.


If the world was flat and the Sun just spun around in a circle above it, light would hit the entire surface all at once. Time, therefore, would be the same everywhere, but it’s not. If it’s 5pm in Australia, ring a flat-earther in California and wake him up. It will be midnight the day before in Los Angeles. Time difference­s can only happen on a rotating sphere.


Since space travel became a reality in the 1960s, astronauts and satellites have taken vast numbers of photograph­s of the Earth. All of them show a spherical object floating in space – sometimes with another spherical object, the moon, floating nearby. If all these photograph­s had been taken from exactly the same spot, it could be argued (as flat-earthers sometimes do) that all they show is a two-dimensiona­l disc. But they haven’t been. They have been taken from multiple angles at multiple distances on multiple occasions. You just can’t fake all this evidence. Besides, if the Earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now.

 ?? Caroline Jensen / Getty Images ??
Caroline Jensen / Getty Images

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