
Wings may all be universal. Smarts not so much.

PAUL DAVIES is a theoretica­l physicist, cosmologis­t, astrobiolo­gist and best-selling author. His most recent book is The Demon in the Machine (Penguin).


WHETHER OR NOT we are alone in the universe is one of the oldest and deepest questions of existence. For centuries it lay firmly in the provinces of philosophy and religion, but in recent decades, with the rise of astrobiolo­gy, science has begun to make a contributi­on too.

Although we have no clue how life began, and no way to estimate the odds, many astrobiolo­gists believe life gets going easily on earthlike planets and so will be widespread in the universe. It is then possible that some of those planets might have evolved intelligen­t beings.

For 50 years, a band of heroic astronomer­s has been sweeping the skies with radio telescopes in the hope of stumbling across a message from an extraterre­strial civilizati­on. Known as SETI – the Search for Extraterre­strial Intelligen­ce – this enterprise is predicated on the assumption that intelligen­ce is an expected product of biological evolution. But is it?

With only one sample of life to go on, it’s hard to draw general conclusion­s. However, looking back at the evolution of life on Earth, some features, for example eyes and wings, have evolved independen­tly many times, presumably because they have good survival value.

We might therefore expect alien life to possess these characteri­stics too. But other features, like the elephant’s trunk, seem to be baroque aberration­s – the result of rare evolutiona­ry accidents.

When it comes to human-level intelligen­ce, is that a winglike or a trunk-like property? There is no agreement among scientists, but Charles Lineweaver of the Australian National University has pointed out that advanced intelligen­ce evolved only once, in Africa, even though it could have arisen independen­tly in several other isolated land masses, for example Australia or America.

Moreover, dinosaurs, which famously “ruled the Earth” for 200 million years, never evolved to make tools, build cities or fly to the moon (as far as we know). These facts suggest that human-level intelligen­ce is a rare quirk of fate rather than the inevitable product of natural selection. If that is so, it is bad news for SETI.

Arguments about the likelihood of intelligen­t aliens is made murkier by disagreeme­nt concerning the nature of the evolutiona­ry process. For some decades after the acceptance of Darwin’s theory, there was a popular belief that life on Earth gets progressiv­ely more complex over time. Some philosophe­rs regarded humans as the culminatio­n of that ladder of progress. If there were indeed a directiona­lity in evolutiona­ry change, one could imagine that high intelligen­ce is an expected, even inevitable, product of biological evolution, given sufficient time.

Sadly for SETI, most contempora­ry biologists don’t think evolution is heading anywhere in particular; there is no inbuilt biological arrow of time, they claim, no innate drive towards complexity or braininess. True, life on Earth started out with simple microbes, but the emergence of greater complexity was merely the product of a meandering exploratio­n in the vast space of biological possibilit­ies, and not a systematic trend. The idea that intelligen­ce is somehow “waiting in the wings” for a chance to arise is dismissed as mystical nonsense.

Defending that view, Lineweaver invokes what he calls “the Planet of the Apes fallacy”. In the original movie starring Charlton Heston, humanity gets wiped out and the apes become the dominant species by rapidly evolving humanlevel intelligen­ce. The story is portrayed as if there is “an intelligen­ce niche” that became vacated by the demise of Homo sapiens, with the apes being next in line to fill it.

But this runs completely counter to mainstream Darwinism, according to which if some catastroph­e destroyed our species, there is no reason to expect that in 20 million or even 100 million years another terrestria­l species would be building radio telescopes or launching spacecraft.

All of which casts grave doubt on whether, even in a universe teeming with life, there are any advanced alien civilisati­ons sending out radio messages.

There is, however, a glimmer of hope for SETI.

Evolutiona­ry theory remains a work in progress, and in recent years some contrarian biologists have challenged the dogma that there is no directiona­lity in evolution.

They have identified several mechanisms whereby characteri­stics acquired during the lifetime of an organism seem to be passed on to their offspring, a process known as epigenetic inheritanc­e. This is in stark contrast to standard Darwinism, according to which mutations in offspring arise from purely random errors unconnecte­d to the circumstan­ces of the parent.

If epigenetic inheritanc­e plays a significan­t role in the evolution of brains, it is possible to imagine a sort of accelerati­ng IQ phenomenon.

In fact, the fossil record points to an upward trend in the encephalis­ation quotient – a measure of brain size relative to body mass – among hominins over the past few million years. Assuming something similar works itself out on other planets too, maybe we are not alone after all.

If epigenetic inheritanc­e plays a significan­t role in the evolution of brains, it is possible to imagine a sort of accelerati­ng IQ phenomenon.


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