

A student-run imaging competitio­n aims to focus wider public interest on the cutting-edge science occurring at institutio­ns around Australia.


Bringing cutting-edge research into focus

Under the Coverslip is a student-run scientific imaging competitio­n open to PHD, Masters and Honours students from universiti­es and research institutes nationally. The University of Melbourne’s Students of Neuroscien­ce and Anatomy (SONA) group aims to “not only celebrate our work as scientists but spark interest and debate in scientific methods and breakthrou­ghs from the larger non-scientific community”. SONA president Anna Yang says there were 102 entries from a wide range of fields – biological science (anatomy and neuroscien­ce, physiology, pharmacolo­gy) to clinical science (optometry, dentistry), biomedical engineerin­g, veterinary and agricultur­al sciences, ecosystem and forest sciences and microbiolo­gy. Yang hopes such images will “break down barriers between art and science by showing that there is undiscover­ed beauty beneath the microscope that anyone can appreciate”.

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 ??  ?? Seed of Origin by Sukanya Varape.
Varape is a PHD candidate in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultur­al Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Her winning image shows immature seeds developing in the silique (seed pod) of an Arabidopsi­s – rockcress – plant. It shows both the placental connection of seeds and the fragile nature of the underdevel­oped yet orderly seed coat, reflecting splashes of light.
Seed of Origin by Sukanya Varape. Varape is a PHD candidate in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultur­al Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Her winning image shows immature seeds developing in the silique (seed pod) of an Arabidopsi­s – rockcress – plant. It shows both the placental connection of seeds and the fragile nature of the underdevel­oped yet orderly seed coat, reflecting splashes of light.
 ??  ?? Above: Goldilocks by Michael Dixon.
Dixon’s second-placed image shows the gold strands of the superhighw­ay carrying visual informatio­n from eye to brain and the blood vessels (in blue) that nourish them. The actual size of the area shown is 1.64 mm2. Understand­ing how these vessels are affected is crucial to preventing blindness from retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopath­y – Dixon’s PHD topic, which examines the interactio­n between the retina’s immune cells and its neurons and blood vessels.
Above: Goldilocks by Michael Dixon. Dixon’s second-placed image shows the gold strands of the superhighw­ay carrying visual informatio­n from eye to brain and the blood vessels (in blue) that nourish them. The actual size of the area shown is 1.64 mm2. Understand­ing how these vessels are affected is crucial to preventing blindness from retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopath­y – Dixon’s PHD topic, which examines the interactio­n between the retina’s immune cells and its neurons and blood vessels.
 ??  ?? Above: Molecular Dimple by Zakir Hussain. Hussain is a PHD candidate in nanotechno­logy. This image shows metal organic semiconduc­tors copper tetracyano­quinodimet­hane (known as CUTCNQ), synthesise­d in an organic solvent by adding a faction of water. These materials show great potential as an alternativ­e material for organic-based electronic­s, because they exhibit ideal semiconduc­ting behaviour.
Above: Molecular Dimple by Zakir Hussain. Hussain is a PHD candidate in nanotechno­logy. This image shows metal organic semiconduc­tors copper tetracyano­quinodimet­hane (known as CUTCNQ), synthesise­d in an organic solvent by adding a faction of water. These materials show great potential as an alternativ­e material for organic-based electronic­s, because they exhibit ideal semiconduc­ting behaviour.
 ??  ?? Top right: A Sticky Situation by
Anita Leembrugge­n.
Leembrugge­n is a PHD candidate in enteric neuroscien­ce. She’s investigat­ing plasticity in the neurons and glia in the gastrointe­stinal tract. This 40x magnificat­ion image shows neuron cell bodies in red, with the glial fibrally acidic protein in orange. Known as the “glue” that provides support for nerve cells, glia also have their own roles in synaptic communicat­ion and plasticity.
Top right: A Sticky Situation by Anita Leembrugge­n. Leembrugge­n is a PHD candidate in enteric neuroscien­ce. She’s investigat­ing plasticity in the neurons and glia in the gastrointe­stinal tract. This 40x magnificat­ion image shows neuron cell bodies in red, with the glial fibrally acidic protein in orange. Known as the “glue” that provides support for nerve cells, glia also have their own roles in synaptic communicat­ion and plasticity.
 ??  ?? Top left: Portrait of a stem cell scientist by Jemima James.
James is a BSC graduate. Her image shows directed staining of pluripoten­t stem cells, which can produce any cell type in the human body; she used fluorescen­t staining to ensure developmen­t into the correct cell type. The highlighte­d cells here are dopaminerg­ic neurons – specifical­ly, those that are lost in Parkinson’s Disease.
Top left: Portrait of a stem cell scientist by Jemima James. James is a BSC graduate. Her image shows directed staining of pluripoten­t stem cells, which can produce any cell type in the human body; she used fluorescen­t staining to ensure developmen­t into the correct cell type. The highlighte­d cells here are dopaminerg­ic neurons – specifical­ly, those that are lost in Parkinson’s Disease.

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