



A website that should come with an addiction warning, is the ultimate animallove­r slow TV, with live-streaming cameras in sanctuarie­s from conservati­on areas to the more domestic: popular feeds include an great Dane puppy room. The site’s strength lies in its combinatio­n of global reach (from Panama fruit feeders to African waterholes) and its speed, or lack thereof: exchange car crashes and Netflix gore for swaying hummingbir­d nests and bee zen cam. Open a window to the wide world, if you dare ... WHEN 24 hours a day

HOW LONG 24 hours a day


Launched in 2007, the Vsauce Youtube channels are tall trees in the internet forest, with 23 million subscriber­s and billions of views of its offbeat, high-production science and tech. This recent Vsauce3 series takes on iconic movies like Men in Black and Ghostbuste­rs, recreating scenes before stirring in the science in a fast-paced version host

Jack Roper describes as “accidental learning”. Each episode’s footnotes allow you to learn – or recreate the effort. Proton pack, anyone? WHEN On demand

HOW LONG 10-15 minutes


This tight and smart podcast from the US’S not-for-profit National Public

Radio adds the STEM to current affairs, explaining the research and data hidden behind headlines such as coronaviru­s and Australia’s bushfires. checking in with scientists, researcher­s and NPR’S network of reporters and correspond­ents from around the globe, host Maddie Sofia stays on target, adding clear and concise scientific informatio­n to the news of the day.

WHEN Weekdays HOW LONG 10 minutes

 ??  ??

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