

How do you make an effective vaccine? Simply follow one of these recipes. Check your pantry: the ingredient­s aren’t nearly as exotic as some sceptics might suspect. ELLEN PHIDDIAN reports.


If you don’t want vaccines inside your body, it might be time to take a closer look at what you’re eating – and also learn more about cholestero­l and salt. ELLEN PHIDDIAN analyses what’s actually in the doses, and discovers the ingredient­s are more familiar than you expect.

It began, as many things do, with a need, a curiosity, and an intriguing story. In the 18th century, smallpox was a global scourge. About a third of those who caught the disease died; survivors were left scarred, sometimes disfigured. From uncertain origins, smallpox had spread across the world through human movement – for trade, conquest and exploratio­n. Early control methods such as variolatio­n – scratching pus from smallpox sores into the skin of a disease-free person (named after the virus, Variola) – were only mildly successful.

In 1796, English physician Edward Jenner noted the accepted wisdom that milkmaids who’d caught cowpox – a similar but harmless cousin of smallpox – were more protected from the deadlier virus. Jenner guessed that cowpox might offer protection and, to test his theory, took pus from a cowpox sore on the hand of milkmaid Sarah Nelmes, who’d caught the infection from a milker named Blossom. Then, he injected it into both arms of James Phipps, the nineyear-old son of his gardener. Months later, Jenner directly exposed Phipps several times to variola virus, but Phipps never developed smallpox. After successful­ly testing his methodolog­y on 23 more people, Jenner published On the Origin of the Vaccine Inoculatio­n in 1801.

Jenner is considered the father of vaccinatio­n (he invented the term Variolae vaccinae: smallpox of the cow) – but in truth he built on existing knowledge. Chinese and Indian physicians had pioneered variolatio­n (simple idea: people don’t tend to get sick with the same disease twice), and Lady Mary Montagu imported the idea from Constantin­ople to England in the 1720s.

Nonetheles­s, Jenner’s ethically dubious tests provided a critical discovery: that it was possible to give someone immunity to a disease without giving them the actual disease.

The smallpox vaccine is now known as “attenuated”: a live pathogen that is similar to the wild type, but less dangerous (as long as you don’t have a compromise­d immune system). During the early decades of the 19th century, attenuated vaccines were created to prevent a range of pathogens, both bacterial (such as tuberculos­is) and viral (yellow fever).

By the late 19th century, scientists in both the US and France found that if bacteria was killed gently by careful heating, or using certain chemical treatments, it could still provoke an immune response. The “inactivate­d” vaccine was born, and was used to prevent typhoid and cholera, among other bacterial diseases. It took a few more decades to figure out how to inactivate a virus – they’re a lot smaller than bacteria, and trickier to “kill” – but inactivate­d influenza vaccines were available by the 1930s.

In 1923, UK researcher­s Alexander Glenny and Barbara Hopkins made another leap by creating a diphtheria vaccine that contained purified and treated bacteria toxins. Recipients developed immunity to the toxins without ever being exposed to the bacteria itself.

But vaccine invention has remained highly specific to the target disease: a trick for making a measles vaccine is unlikely to help the invention of a protective treatment for meningococ­cal, for example.

Understand­ing DNA – and the way it triggers RNA and then protein production – was the next big leap. What if you could just add the DNA for part of a virus to our bodies, and let our cells do all the hard work?

In 2014, spurred by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, a “viral vector” vaccine began Phase 1 trials. This used a harmless, non-ebola virus to get a section of Ebola DNA into the nucleus of human cells. Those cells then transcribe the DNA into RNA, which in turn makes Ebola proteins (but not the whole virus), for our immune system to learn how to destroy.

It was the first widespread success for the viral vector. It was officially approved by the WHO in November 2019: safety standards had increased since Jenner’s day, and five years from conception to rollout was remarkably fast.

But researcher­s were already considerin­g another way to simplify vaccines: would it be possible to skip the vector and DNA steps, and put the messenger RNA (or MRNA) directly into our bodies? (See our story on page 40 for that process.)

Several biotechnol­ogy companies – including Pfizer and Moderna – spent the 2010s figuring out the best jacket for the MRNA, and when COVID-19 broke out in late 2019, MRNA vaccine makers were ready. Here we unpack exactly what’s in three current vaccines: what they are, why they’re there, and why all those chemical compounds probably aren’t as scary as they sound…

INGREDIENT­S Active Ingredient: BNT162B2 [MRNA] Lipid Nanopartic­le Coatings:


ALC-0315: ((4-hydroxybut­yl)azanediyl)

bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecan­oate) ALC-0159: 2-[(polyethyle­ne glycol)-2000]n,n-ditetradec­ylacetamid­e

DSPC: distearoyl­phosphatid­ylcholine cholestero­l


b monobasic potassium phosphate

c dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate

d potassium chloride

e sodium chloride

f Stabilisin­g sugar: sucrose

g Solvent: water


This is the now-famous MRNA, or messenger RNA, which the body uses to make coronaviru­s spike proteins, triggering an immune response that should protect you against the real coronaviru­s. Interestin­gly, Pfizer’s MRNA is slightly different to naturally occurring MRNA – it’s been nucleoside-modified, which means one of the “coding” bases, uracil, has been swapped out for a molecule with a similar, but not identical, shape. This is a trick discovered more than 15 years ago – it stops the immune system from recognisin­g and destroying the foreign MRNA before it can be used to make spike proteins.


In order to make spike proteins, the MRNA has to get inside our cells, and our cells have oily membranes that repel molecules like MRNA. This is why the vaccine has four different lipids (long, fatty molecules that are more similar to cell membranes) coating the MRNA. They form nanometre-sized blobs and are hence known as “lipid nanopartic­les”.

Pfizer’s combinatio­n of lipids has been developed by a Canadian company called Acuitas, which has been researchin­g different combinatio­ns of lipids for therapeuti­cs for the past decade.

This combinatio­n of four different lipids has been judged by Pfizer and Acuitas to be most effective at getting the MRNA into cells. Three of the lipids (ALC0315, ALC-0159 and DSPC) are synthetica­lly designed and have previously been used in therapeuti­c treatments, while the fourth (cholestero­l) is a molecule of which our bodies already contain several grams.


The MRNA in the vaccine – and indeed, the molecules in our bodies – are remarkably sensitive to acidity, or ph. Salts are added because they can act as ph buffers, preventing a solution from becoming too acidic or basic. The four salts in the Pfizer vaccine are designed to keep the ph consistent over time. Two of the salts (monobasic potassium phosphate and dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate) are also used in some pharmaceut­ical treatments (such as treating low blood phosphate levels), as well as fertiliser­s and food additives (as a buffering agent, or to stabilise and control acidity and moisture), while potassium chloride and sodium chloride (table salt) are common, naturally occurring substances used as flavour enhancers and preservati­ves in many food products.


Sucrose (sugar, identical to commercial white sugar) has been added to the vaccine to keep other ingredient­s stable, particular­ly as it’s stored at low temperatur­es (TGA requires longer-term storage at -90°C to -60°C; unopened vials can be stored and transporte­d at -25°C to -15°C for up to two weeks).


Finally, these ingredient­s need to occur in liquid form, so a vaccine requires something to dissolve and mix them. Fortunatel­y, water is the perfect molecule to do this, which is why it’s the final addition to the vaccine.

Vaccine ingredient lists may look scary, but many of their substances are found in common foods. We’ve linked the chemicals to an example of what they’re in.

INGREDIENT­S Active Ingredient:

5 x 1010 CHADOX1-S (recombinan­t) viral particles


a L-histidine

L-histidine hydrochlor­ide monohydrat­e

b magnesium chloride hexahydrat­e

c sodium chloride

d Emulsifier: polysorbat­e 80


e ethanol

disodium edetate dihydrate

Other ingredient­s:

f sucrose

g water


The “viral vector” at the heart of the Oxford-astrazenec­a vaccine is a tame virus – an adenovirus (which often presents as conjunctiv­itis or tonsilliti­s), not a coronaviru­s – that contains DNA to make SARS-COV-2 spike proteins, which will trigger your immune system.

The adenovirus has been modified so that it can’t replicate or harm people. It’s modelled on an adenovirus originally found in a chimpanzee, although no chimps were used in the vaccine’s production. Instead, it’s grown in lab-based cells, which come from modified cells originally taken from a human kidney. In Australia, the viral growing is done in Melbourne. Because Astrazenec­a’s active ingredient comes with its own coating package in the form of an adenovirus, it doesn’t need lipids like the Pfizer vaccine. It does, however, need molecules to buffer the ph and keep it stable – as well as a couple of preservati­ves.


Like the Pfizer vaccine, salts (magnesium chloride hexahydrat­e and sodium chloride) and amines (L-histidine and L-histidine hydrochlor­ide monohydrat­e) are added to keep the ph consistent.

Both salts are naturally occurring minerals, while L-histidine is a molecule known as an amino acid. These compounds are what our proteins are made of, so there’s already plenty of L-histidine inside you. L-histidine hydrochlor­ide monohydrat­e is similar to histidine (hence the name), and it’s also been used in foods, cosmetics and soaps.


Oily things (like the outsides of adenovirus­es) and watery things don’t mix well together, so the Astrazenec­a vaccine requires an emulsifier to combine them. An emulsifier is a molecule that has both hydrophobi­c (oily) and hydrophili­c (watery) sections, allowing them to mix – detergents and soaps are a common example; the lecithin in egg yolks is another.

Polysorbat­e 80 is a common food additive (for example in ice cream and gelatin), because of its emulsifyin­g properties; it’s also been used in other, NON-COVID, vaccines.


While it’s made and kept in sterile conditions, Astrazenec­a’s vaccine still uses preservati­ves to prevent any sort of contaminat­ion from the vials or manufactur­ing process. (Pfizer has opted to avoid preservati­ves, which means the vaccine requires fewer ingredient­s, but some doses have been discarded because they can’t be guaranteed non-contaminat­ed.)

As well as being a preservati­ve, disodium edetate dihydrate (EDTA) is an approved medication for treating some types of metal poisoning, such as lead poisoning.

The ethanol is identical to the alcohol you get in hand sanitiser, beer and wine and spirits – but at a concentrat­ion of less than 0.005% in a 0.5-millimetre dose, it’s not going to affect your blood alcohol content.


As with the Pfizer vaccine, sugar is used to stabilise ingredient­s, and water is used to combine them all.

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