
Guess the object


The mystery object in Issue 91 proved a little too out-of-this-world, although some entertaini­ng guesses were sent through.

Luke Marsh wondered if “the gold machine is some sort of device for measuring waves or used in navigation on boats”, which was a bit more on-track than his other suggestion – the shell of a Dalek from Doctor Who.

The object was indeed placed onto a vessel, though it wasn’t looking at the salty kind of waves.

A closer answer came from Matthew Hunt, who intuited that it was used to study electromag­netic radiation: “This wouldn’t be an electron microscope, would it?”

Closer again was Paul van Leeuwen. “I think it might be Mr Hale and Mr Bopp with their telescope discoverin­g Comet Halebopp,” he wrote.

This gold-plated device was a telescope, but not a typical one. Built by George Carruthers and William Conway, it was an ultraviole­t spectrogra­ph that became the first Moon-based observator­y, used by Apollo 16 astronauts to photograph star clouds, nebulae and Earth’s outermost atmosphere in 1972. It still stands upon the Descartes highland region today.

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