Country News

Move to protect farmland


NSW Farmers is calling for bipartisan support to remove Petroleum Exploratio­n Licences (PELs) from valuable agricultur­al land.

NSW Farmers president James Jackson says the associatio­n has and always will support any government in making decisions that act to protect agricultur­al land.

“It was heartening last week to see the NSW Government’s commitment to buy back the Shenhua mine and guarantee the security of local food and fibre production on the Liverpool Plains,” Mr Jackson said.

“Mining and gas extraction are important to NSW, and in the right place and at the right scale, are an important part of our state’s economy.

“It was a case of the wrong mine in the wrong location for the Shenhua project.

“The 11 PELs are also in inappropri­ate areas where gas extraction can have longterm significan­t detrimenta­l consequenc­es for agricultur­e, water and the environmen­t and they must be cancelled.

“We also must look to introduce a new process to ensure this does not happen again.”

Mr Jackson said agricultur­e in the western division of NSW was facing the same uncertaint­y with exploratio­n being undertaken, regardless of the fragile environmen­tal and agricultur­al balance farmers achieve.

“These decisions to allow gas exploratio­n and extraction should not be ad hoc and driven only by financial return,” he said.

“They must be made in a way where all parts of government, state and federal, work together to ensure that agricultur­e is front and centre when decisions around other industries are made.

“As long-term advocates for ensuring that agricultur­al land remains productive for the NSW economy as well, NSW Farmers urges a bipartisan approach to defining how to protect agricultur­al land for the long term.

“Agricultur­al land is a finite resource, and with the many challenges of nature to viability and long-term planning, it’s essential that government­s provide certainty where they can.

“This means planning to protect agricultur­al land first, and then addressing industry developmen­ts.”

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