Cross Stitcher

Make a… scissor case


If you prefer to work with aida, then as the Cashel we used is 28 count and we stitched over two threads, your usual 14 count aida will work up the same size!

Step 1

COMPLETE the stitching for the flap and the case front, using two strands for the cross stitch and one for the backstitch. The scissors should be stitched on the fabric just below the centre, so that when the flap is added they will be on the front of the case.

Step 2

PIN your flap and lining fabric right-sides together. Using the outer edge of the stitching as a guide, machine stitch the two layers together, following the line of stitching to create a curve, but leaving the bottom edge open. Reduce the seam allowance and clip the curve, before turning to the right side. Press.

Step 3

PLACE two of the lining pieces right-sides together, and stitch around three sides, leaving the top edge open.

Reduce the seam allowance, then press. Do not turn to the right side. Repeat for the stitched case front and the final lining piece. Stitch around three sides, leaving the top edge open as before. Reduce the seam allowance, but this time turn to the right side. Press.

Step 4

INSERT your assembled lining into your case. Push well down inside the case, making sure the bottom points are pushed right into the corners. Check that the stitching is on the outside and the lining on the inside. Fold over the top edge of the case and the lining by 1.25cm (½in), so that the raw edges are hidden. Insert the raw edge of the flap between the case and lining layers, then pin in place. Machine or catch stitch by hand around the top of the case, securing the top edge and the flap. Add a velcro dot to the flap and case to open and close it.

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