Cross Stitcher

Make a… biscornu


Step 1

COMPLETE all the stitching for the

954 top of the biscornu following the chart. Use two strands for the cross

964 stitch and one for the backstitch.

Step 2

CUT a second piece of fabric, the

Backstitch same size as the top, for the bottom of the biscornu – you can either repeat the stitching, making the bottom exactly the same as the top;

611 stitch just the outer backstitch row using only the outer backstitch line

894 on the chart; or use a contrastin­g cotton fabric for the bottom. The way you assemble the biscornu is the same for each bottom, but if you are using a cotton fabric you will need to stitch a row of backstitch or machine stitches the same size as the outer backstitch row on the chart. Once stitched, trim both fabrics with a 1.25cm (⁄‚in) seam allowance.

Step 3

FOLD the seam allowance to the reverse, so the outer backstitch line is on the edge of both the bottom and top fabric. Press the folds and points in place. Pin a corner point on the bottom fabric to the middle front side of the top– this is your starting point.

Step 4

USE the same stranded cotton colour as the outer backstitch row to sew the top and bottom of the biscornu together using whip stitch. To do this, take your needle under a border stitch on your top fabric and then repeat with a stitches on the bottom fabric. Pull together as you work. Stitch six out of the eight sides together, then stu… the biscornu firmly, and sew up the remaining sides.

Step 5

SEW two buttons in the centres of the top and bottom, passing the needle through the biscornu to stitch both buttons. Pull up the thread and finish securely.

All materials for these projects are available from www.willowfabr­

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