Cruise Weekly


Maximise your Cruise Month


THERE are two things that I am personally looking forward to the most as our inaugural “Plan a Cruise Month” (PACM) is now in full swing.

Firstly – the most important aspect of this month of constant cruise promotiona­l activity is seeing our Travel Agent Members getting involved and seeing some results.

For travel agency owners and managers, you have probably been told a thousand times that for any local marketing activity to be effective the right time to get active is when there is a wider campaign going on around you. With PACM this is not just a national campaign – it is global! With somewhere in the vicinity of 50,000 agents around the world participat­ing.

This means there is going to be a serious amount of PACM coverage across all forms of mainstream and social media. In today’s digitally focused world, your clients are going to come across PACM somewhere and if you are not talking to them about cruising during October, there is every chance one of your competitor­s are!

For front line consultant­s – don’t wait for your boss to tell you what to do! Make sure you are including the words “it’s Cruise Month” in all client conversati­ons .

The second aspect of PACM that I am eager to see will be the official data from our media monitoring. We have high expectatio­ns of a record month of cruise coverage which is great for every aspect of the industry and very satisfying given the efforts of the CLIA team.

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