Cycling Plus



Climbs or descents? I’m a bit nervous about the descents, especially the longer ones like I found in the Dolomites. Your wrists hurt and you think your rims are overheatin­g. At 55 I’m not as crazy as I used to be. I do like the short descents but it’s nothing on the pleasure at the summit of a big climb.

On bouncing back from injury… When I got back from New Zealand in 2009, all the stunts I’d been doing had left me nursing a cracked rib, a broken collar bone and a prolapsed disc. I was in a bad way. My physio recommende­d pilates and it did the trick.

What’s next on the slate? I’m in the Netflix show Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, which is shot in Vancouver. Also, a remake of [1987 comedy] Overboard, with a twist being the main roles of the original are reversed.

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