Cycling Plus


Dean Stott from Aberdeen broke two world records cycling through the Americas and made it home for a very special wedding...


Ihad set out cycling the Pan American Highway, from Argentina to Alaska, aiming to raise £1million for the Heads Together charity [led by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex]. I’d served alongside Prince Harry in the army so the charity is one I’m keen to help. When researchin­g the ride I noticed that most riders go from Alaska down through to Argentina. I thought it would be better to get all the big problems – the language barrier, bureaucrac­y, danger – out the way by going south to north. I didn’t factor in the 40mph-plus crosswind I had from the start at Ushuaia in Patagonia, the southernmo­st tip of Argentina.

Once I hit Peru that had become a tailwind for almost 2500km and I made up a lot of lost time. Then I got food poisoning – a pitfall of eating on the road – before riding through the Chilean desert and up to Cartagena, Colombia.

Mexico went from being 40 degrees-plus one moment to 8 degrees, and a thundersto­rm washed off my sunscreen. I’ve had huge mountain climbs, followed by miles of flat terrain. Honduras and Nicaragua were amazing for the scenery but the heat and humidity were challengin­g. I crashed in Colombia, and injured myself and the bike in Chile. I even had run-ins with police at Central American borders. On my second day in southern USA, I found out I’d been invited to the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. I had to put my foot down and abandon my rest days to make it to the end to be back in Windsor in time. Using an app called WindyTV I was able to negotiate the tornados in Texas. At one point I rode 320 miles solidly in 11 hours to pick up a tail wind in Wyoming. Thankfully as we reached the northern states and Canada I was able to ride in the evenings, which we couldn’t do in South and Central America for security reasons. I broke the record for South America and the whole Pan American Highway, knocking 17 days off the previous best, to finish in 99 days, 12 hours and 56 minutes.

I rode 320 miles solidly in 11 hours to pick up a tail wind in Wyoming

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