Cycling Plus



Research has shown a new benefit for turmeric, the wonder spice commonly used to flavour popular curries – it’s giving elite and amateur athletes an edge over the competitio­n. For a long time, it has been known that turmeric contains curcumin, which helps the body in several ways. That includes a product called TURMERIC+, it combines turmeric and vitamin C which assists with collagen formation to support cartilage function. Now we know that curcumin also helps with normal muscle function after high intensity exercise.


Scientists have been really taking an interest in turmeric. Our supplement, TURMERIC+, has been the subject of 29 published clinical studies, and the media has been taking notice too. This includes a study conducted with the participat­ion of elite athletes at the Olympic Research Centre in Barcelona and, most recently, a study on Italian premier league rugby players which found significan­t improvemen­t in recovery. A former player and director of the London Scottish Rugby Club, Angus Stewart, says the spice works for him. Angus says he started taking two tablets a day, adding: “I was much more comfortabl­e whilst exercising and recovered more quickly. “After a day in the gym I found the feeling in my joints felt the same as when I was younger. Now I feel I can train comfortabl­y.” The results are in – curcumin helps your muscles to recover after high-intensity exercise. That means you can boost your training regimen and, as every athlete knows, a little more training gives you the extra edge you need on competitio­n day.


But you don’t have to be in the premier league to benefit – anyone who exercises can benefit from curcumin. The difficulty is getting enough, because only 2-3% of turmeric is curcumin. Worse, after just two hours in the stomach, 98% of that curcumin is destroyed. TURMERIC+ tackles this issue scientific­ally. Our formulatio­n combines curcumin with soy lecithin, which makes it easier for the beneficial ingredient to reach the bloodstrea­m. Our supplement is 30x more absorbable than standard turmeric. It was triathlete Jane Paterson-Todd’s secret weapon when she qualified for the ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in Rotterdam – a truly remarkable achievemen­t for someone that took up competitiv­e triathlons less than a year before. Better still, Jane finished 15th in her category. “It’s was a great honour to be there. It’s somewhere that, a year ago, I couldn’t have imagined I’d be,” she says. “I heard about FutureYou and turmeric when I was looking for things that would keep me in tip-top condition, and I thought this is something I’d like to try. So far, so good! I’ve been injury-free, I’ve been competing at a top level, and I’ll continue.” So, if you’re looking to train harder, to perform at your best when it counts, why not try turmeric?

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