Cycling Plus

Louise Gibson

Lives Buckingham­shire Age 42


Ihave never regretted going out for a ride on a winter’s day. Okay, maybe when I’ve punctured and ended up soaked to the bone from trying to fix it. But generally I love the sense of freedom after days stuck indoors. The time goes by so much quicker. When you’re training inside, you’re watching the clock constantly. The winter is miserable anyway, so I like to get out and enjoy some hills, some scenery and some daylight.

I cycle all winter because it’s so positive for my summer fitness. I ride for the Internatio­nElles, a group of amateur female riders who protest against inequality by riding the full Tour de France route one day ahead of the men. We’re supported by Skoda, but this is just our hobby and we do it for fun. I took December o in 2019 and it took me months to get my fitness back. So I’ll be riding all winter to keep my fitness up.

My best trick for a winter ride is to get out early. If I start procrastin­ating, I can talk myself out of it. So I get my kit ready the night before and plan my route. Make sure you get out first thing. If you see a work email, you can get distracted. Work when you’re back, when you’ll feel amazing.

The best way to enjoy winter riding is to make it fun. I live in

Marlow in Buckingham­shire, so there are some great winter routes in the Chiltern Hills. I also head to London to train in Richmond Park with friends. I also enjoy the routine of winter club rides, come rain or shine.

Over winter I keep riding my road bike – a Bianchi Specialiss­ima in custom pink. When I tried a winter bike, it made me miserable. It was so heavy. I might take some tea in a flask and pack a dryrobe – like a towel/coat – in the car. At this time of year, I prefer to eat real food like sandwiches or have a warm toastie somewhere.

My winter miles are shorter than my summer rides: more like 2-3 hours, rather than 5-6 hours, just to keep up my base fitness. Of course, if there’s ice or tonnes of wet leaves on the roads, I won’t risk it. But if you’re flexible with your schedule, you can always find a lovely winter’s day to get out.

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