

The (beef) cheek of the Irish sets off our butcher’s aversion to colcannon. Thankfully, Colin Fassnidge has the perfect comeback to put Anthony Puharich in his place.


A It’s winter. It’s like the middle of winter. It’s the heart of winter! It’s about comfort food, nourishmen­t, fires. It’s about…

C We get it, it’s winter! And we’re talking beef cheeks. A secondary cut of meat that is becoming quite trendy for slow cooking.

A Can we please, for what feels like the first time, not do this with colcannon? C It’s with beetroot and chickpeas! A Hallelujah. C You know what, I’ve done Middle Eastern colcannon! Hummus! A Of course you have. C You know it! We’ve taken colcannon to the sands of the desert.

A I get where you’re coming from – eating colcannon is about as good as eating sand.

C Whatever. So we’re taking beef cheeks and we’re going to cook them with loads of flavour – ginger, chilli, coriander, cumin. And serve them with earthy beetroot.

A Earth and sand. I get it. What about salt? Are you going to be like the fella from that meme… you know… Salt Bae!

C Very funny! So we have sweetness from the beef, earthy beetroot, and hummus because we can’t use potatoes.

A Has the price of potatoes gone up and they’re out of your budget now?

C Don’t you worry about potatoes. If I quit meat you’d know about it. Your Ferrari would only have three wheels!

A *Clears throat* Beef cheeks are amazing.


1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil 4 x 500g beef cheeks, trimmed 1 onion, finely chopped 4 celery stalks, trimmed, thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 4cm piece (20g) ginger, finely chopped 2 long red chillies, halved lengthways 6 fresh bay leaves 1 tbs each coriander, cumin and

caraway seeds 2 star anise 1 cinnamon quill Pared zest of 1 lemon

1/ 3 cup (80ml) red wine 2L (8 cups) beef stock 2 bunches baby golden beetroot,

cleaned, trimmed, 2cm stalks left intact 20g unsalted butter, chopped Baby mint, baby red kale leaves and

dried chilli flakes, to serve


2 x 400g cans chickpeas 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp ground cumin 2 small red chillies

1/4 cup (60ml) extra virgin olive oil Juice of 1 lemon

Preheat the oven to 160°C.

Heat 2 tbs oil in a large heavy-based casserole with a lid over medium-high heat. Cook beef for 4 minutes each side or until browned. Transfer beef to a plate and set aside. Add onion, celery, garlic, ginger, chilli, bay leaves, coriander, cumin and caraway seeds, star anise, cinnamon and lemon rind to casserole and cook, stirring occasional­ly, for 6-8 minutes or until onion has softened. Add wine and cook, scraping bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon, for 3-4 minutes or until reduced by half. Add the stock and return beef to casserole. Bring to a simmer, cover, and transfer to the oven. Cook for 6 hours, turning beef halfway, or until beef is very tender.

In the last 2 hours of cooking, grease a baking tray and line with baking paper. Place beetroot on prepared tray, drizzle with remaining 1 tbs oil and roast for 1 hour 30 minutes or until tender. When cool enough to handle, rub off skins and discard.

Meanwhile, for the hummus, transfer chickpeas along with canning liquid to a saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic, cumin, chillies and 1 cup (250ml) water. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasional­ly, or until liquid has reduced slightly. Transfer to a food processor with oil, lemon juice and 1 tsp salt flakes, and whiz until smooth. Chill for 1 hour or until thickened.

Once beef is cooked, remove casserole from oven and transfer 3 cups (750ml) cooking liquid to a saucepan over high heat (set beef cheeks aside, covered, to keep warm). Bring cooking liquid to the boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook, stirring occasional­ly, for 25 minutes or until reduced by two-thirds.

Meanwhile, heat butter in a frypan over high heat. Add beetroot and cook, stirring occasional­ly, for 2-3 minutes or until warmed through and golden.

Spread hummus over serving plates and top with beef, a little reduced cooking liquid and beetroot. Scatter with baby mint, baby red kale and dried chilli to serve.

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