



“These tart pickled cranberrie­s cut through the smokiness of the fish. You won’t need all of them; the rest are lovely with cheese.” Start this recipe 2 weeks ahead. You will need a sterilised 700ml heatproof jar with a fitted lid (for sterilisin­g instructio­ns, see ‘Cheese board with homemade lavosh and plum jam’ recipe, p 62).

400g parsnips, peeled, shredded

(we used a julienne peeler) 2 tsp cornflour 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 50g unsalted butter, chopped 600ml milk 300g skinless smoked cod

1/ 3 cup (80g) creme fraiche Finely chopped chives, to serve


300ml apple cider vinegar 300g caster sugar 340g fresh cranberrie­s (substitute thawed frozen cranberrie­s) 1/ 2 tsp whole cloves 1/ 2 tsp juniper berries

For the pickled cranberrie­s, place vinegar and sugar in a saucepan over high heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves and mixture comes to the boil. Stir in the remaining ingredient­s and continue to boil for 4 minutes or until cranberrie­s have softened slightly. Transfer cranberry mixture to sterilised jar, seal, then set aside to cool. Chill, without opening, for 2 weeks before using.

When ready to serve, toss parsnip, cornflour and oil in a bowl until well coated. Heat butter in a large frypan over medium heat. Divide parsnip mixture into 4 portions and, using a spatula, press each firmly into pan for the first 15 seconds (this will help rosti stay together). Cook for 5 minutes each side or until golden.

Meanwhile, place milk in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to the boil. Add fish, reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes or until fish is cooked through. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside on a plate to cool slightly.

Place rostis on a serving platter and top with creme fraiche. Flake over smoked cod, spoon over pickled cranberrie­s and scatter with chives to serve.

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