Deniliquin Pastoral Times

Service is ‘embarrassi­ng’, ‘a disadvanta­ge’

- Dear Editor, Yours etc. John Conallin Deniliquin

I would like to back council and our local member on the issue of dismal mobile and internet services, and the exorbitant prices we pay for inadequate Telstra services in our region.

Working primarily overseas and now having to rely on internet services to continue working internatio­nally (from Deniliquin), it’s embarrassi­ng to say the least that it’s me that is constantly apologisin­g for Zoom freezing or dropping out and not my COVID and coup ravaged Myanmar colleagues.

Most people in the city wouldn’t know what a ‘H’ is on their mobile, but I don’t know what a 4G signal looks like in my office 5km from town.

This puts us at a disadvanta­ge in two major facets — economic incentive and safety.

Who in a modern world would want to have their business hub or hubs in an area where there isn’t reliable phone and internet services, or a farmer upgrade their irrigation infrastruc­ture if it isn’t reliable?

From a safety point of view, it puts us at a disadvanta­ge for communicat­ing during bush fires, accidents, or other health issues in our ageing farmers.

This has all been brought forward recently by RMIT Uni professor Mark Gregory, who said 2Mbps on a 4G device was like ‘selling someone a Ferrari and then telling them they’re not allowed to take it out of first gear’.

So why do we still pay for the Ferrari? On the advice of our Federal Farrer representa­tive, I also had to go out and spend the $1,300 on a booster for my vehicle which helps a little, but I will also now have to buy one for my office.

I intend to write to Telstra for a reduction in fees to compensate for it.

So while we hear about space age 5G for the city, we have 2Mbps.

Telstra can now be proud of creating the second most common phrase in the bush other than ‘G'day mate’ — F#$%k Telstra!

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