Diabetic Living

I think I have a urinary tract infection (UTI). How can I tell for sure, and what should I do?


Getting treatment for a

UTI as soon as possible is vital to avoid the infection spreading to your kidneys. Knowing the classic signs and symptoms so you can seek help early is really important. These include:

• Pain or burning when you urinate

• Feeling like you have to urinate all the time, even though no urine comes out when you go to the toilet • Strong-smelling urine • Urine that’s cloudy, dark or bloody

• Fever or chills

• Pain in your back or abdomen

If you notice any of these, make an appointmen­t to see your doctor as soon as you can, because the earlier you start treatment for a UTI, the better.

If you get UTIs frequently, you can take preventati­ve action by drinking plenty of water, wearing cotton underwear and keeping your glucose levels within your target range as much as possible. Also talk to your doctor or pharmacist about whether taking a cranberry supplement or a probiotic that contains Lactobacil­lus rhamnosus or Lactobacil­lus reuteri may be of benefit.

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