Digital Camera World

06 Publish a holiday photo book

It’s never been easier to present your travel images


There’s a good chance you’ve already been on your summer vacation, are in the middle of it, or have just come back. Hopefully it was a great trip for photograph­y, so make sure you do justice to your images by creating a photo book. It’s never been easier or cheaper. You can create a Blurb book, for instance, from the Lightroom interface.

“I used Blurb to publish my photo book Mazdoor, India at Work in 2013,” says travel photograph­er Darragh Mason Field. “Overall, it’s a straightfo­rward project, but it takes careful considerat­ion to edit your photo selection and get the order right. If you want to tell a story with your book, or detail a project, it’s best to do a rough version and just print it off as is and see how it flows.”

Get started today…

* Images can look different when printed, especially if you haven’t calibrated your monitor, so do some high-resolution prints first. * Reject images that aren’t sharp enough or that show signs of overenthus­iastic processing, such as haloes caused by over-sharpening, or waxy faces caused by noise reduction. * Really think about the order of images and how they work together as a narrative sequence, rather than treating them as individual frames. * Spelling mistakes will dent your credibilit­y, so get a sharp-eyed friend to give any text a careful check before publishing.

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