Digital Camera World

07 Try a new take on weddings

Move beyond the boring wedding ‘firing squad’ group shot


Take inspiratio­n from two very different profession­als if you get asked to shoot a wedding in late summer, or fancy shooting one to earn some extra money. Wedding photograph­er Nichola Morton has noticed that brides are much more into styling, favouring the rustic/shabby-chic look.

“A lot of my brides are on a budget, so they like the hand-made, crafty look, and bring along things they have made.” Nichola avoids flash, mainly using prime lenses at wide apertures. Meanwhile, Lisa Devlin, a speaker at the forthcomin­g PhotoLive! Show, specialise­s in alternativ­e weddings.

“Couples might not be all about smiley wedding photos all the time, but neither does anybody want to think they had a miserable day,” says Lisa. “Look for romantic moments, or even help orchestrat­e them by suggesting what the couple can think about while you’re doing the shoot. Take the emphasis away from the camera, and get them to focus on each other.”

Get started today…

* Keep up to date with trends at popular bridal blogs. Nichola recommends Rock and Roll Bride and Rock My Wedding. * Do a proper recce of the venue, and look for interestin­g places to shoot. “Look for strong colour or something you can play with in your compositio­n,” says Lisa. * Don’t be afraid to experiment with your photograph­y if there’s time. Lisa likes to make in-camera multiple exposures.

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