Digital Camera World

Live view on a Digital SLR


What’s Live View?

Essentiall­y Live View is simply a means to frame your subject via the rear display, as opposed to through a separate optical viewfinder. The image is a live feed directly from the sensor of your SLR, and it provides a real-time view of the subject you’re about to take a photo of.

Live View is used extensivel­y with compact cameras and mobile phones, but it is still a relatively recent introducti­on to digital SLRs, although all recent models include Live View functional­ity.

When should I use Live View?

It’s best employed when the subject you’re photograph­ing is relatively static. Landscapes and macro are both subjects that can be tackled effectivel­y using the Live View mode. On a digital SLR, Live View is definitely better when you can sit the camera on a tripod, but you can get away with hand-holding and using Live View. This is useful with cameras that have tiltable LCD monitors, so you can see the area framed in the display even when you’re holding the camera above your head or at ground level.

When should I not use Live View?

Live View has to use a different type of autofocus system, which is slower than the type used when viewing the image through the optical viewfinder. This means that it is not really suitable for fast-moving subjects where ultra-fast AF is essential.

How effective is Live View?

Live View is a brilliant and perhaps underused function on a digital SLR. It gives you a real-time and reasonably accurate view of how correct your exposure is before you press the shutter. It’s great for accurate focussing – either manually or using the built-in AF system – on still subjects. Most cameras allow you to zoom right in and move the focus point anywhere around the frame so you can pinpoint the area you want to be pin-sharp. It also enables you to see the creative effect of changing aperture or potentiall­y shoot remotely. It’s worth noting that Live View is quite energyhung­ry, so make sure you have a fully charged battery and a spare when using it.

 ??  ?? Above Live View lets you see what your sensor sees, with the bonus of zooming in so you can make sure your focus is as sharp as possible
Above Live View lets you see what your sensor sees, with the bonus of zooming in so you can make sure your focus is as sharp as possible

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