Digital Camera World

Your Mission



Issue 161’s theme was ‘The Colour Red’. Here are our top shots…

1st Peter Sawers

Nikon D7000 with 35mm f/1.8 lens; 1/160 sec at f/13, ISO 100

you need to take a simple approach to get the best results. Peter Sawers has done just this. This image captures our ‘Red’ theme perfectly, and he has found a simple compositio­n to deliver a quirky finish that uses graphics and text.

By removing distractin­g elements in the scene, and any context suggesting where Peter has taken the image, we’re left with a graphic result. But there are small hints that this image is still real, such as the marks and smudges on the paintwork, plus the join running through the middle of the frame. A fun image - well done Peter.

2nd Alan Ranger

Sony DSLR-A700 with 24–70mm f/2.8 ZA lens at 36mm; 18 sec at f/7.1, ISO 200

is one of nature’s most colourful events, and Alan has managed to be in a fantastic location just at the right time. By shooting on an overcast day, Alan has avoided distratcin­g shadows, which helps bring out the detail in the scene.

The leaves on the ground blend pleasingly from red to orange and finally through to yellow at the back, giving the image depth. The blandness of the bare tree trunks contrasts perfectly against the bright colourful leaves, and adds to the overall impact. Alan has been careful with the crop to ensure the edges of the frame are clean.

3rd Steven Leung

Nikon F4 with 28–85mm f/3.5 lens at 85mm; f/4.5, ISO 200

Steven has taken a creative approach to our ‘Red’ theme, with an image that screams fashion meets street! There is plenty of narrative to work with, as the shoes walking up the outdoor steps suggest many possibilit­ies. We question who this woman is and where she’s going. Her red shoes, gloves and coat lead us to suggest she is a dangerous or passionate person, which again leads to more questions in our mind…

The shot’s grainy appearance gives it a filmic quality, and it’s hard to place this image within a specific era. A great image that deserves our third-place slot.

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