Digital Camera World

Ure I am totally new to digital SLR photograph­y. I bought a Canon camera, but I don’t seem to be focusing in the right place because my images aren’t sharp where I want them to be. How can I improve?


It sounds as if you aren’t using your focus points correctly. If you’re shooting on full Auto mode then the camera will be choosing where you should focus by selecting the part of the frame that’s snapping into focus. More than likely this is the part of your scene that’s closest with good contrast.

Normally, I’d suggest a switch to a Semi-auto mode, but because you’re completely new, let’s leave the camera to sort out the exposure for now and concentrat­e on more accurate focusing, so select P (Program) because this will allow you to choose a specific AF point but still set the exposure for you.

I don’t know which Canon SLR you have, but you’ll be able to select a specific AF point by pressing the AF point selection button on the top right of the back of the camera and then turning the front dial as you do so. When you press the AF point selection button, all the available AF points will go red. Turn the dial (still with your thumb on the AF point selection button) and you’ll be able to select a single AF point. Use this single point to focus on the area of the image you want to be your focal point.

Shooting like this means you’ll be able to focus very accurately, as my two images show. In the first image, the camera decided where to focus, and obviously, it picked the foliage in front of me and not the subject that I wanted at the back. In the second image, with only one AF point selected, I could specifical­ly target the eye of the bathing tiger very accurately through a slight gap in the mass of vegetation.

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