Digital Camera World

A fresh approach to digital art

With powerful tools and a gentle learning curve, Affinity Photo is equally suited to making simple tweaks or complex composites, as Neil Ladkin discovered...


The creative process behind an image is often just as interestin­g as the finished product.

It’s an artistic journey that usually involves experiment­ation as well as a few U-turns. Photograph­er and designer Neil Ladkin set out to shoot an old-school levitation image, but the project evolved into something quite different along the way.

“I had an idea that I wanted to use everyday props in this shoot to create something otherworld­ly that would show fluidity and motion,” says Neil. “The aim was an image that would reflect a moment in time, with a sense of defying gravity, not quite falling.”

As with all the best digital photo art, the creative process began in-camera. After experiment­ing with different locations (see ‘Location Scout’, right) Neil eventually settled on a wide-open expanse for the image. “It’s not a perfect shot,” he says. “It’s a little overexpose­d, but I love the compositio­n with hills in the distance and the feeling of open, monotone space. I also really like the angular shape of the silk. It gave me plenty to work with.”

With the shot in the bag, Neil used Affinity Photo to finish off the image. First the tones and colours were perfected, then he created an atmospheri­c starry sky. “I’m really pleased with how the final image turned out – and that this creative experiment is something that anyone can try. Affinity Photo has all the tools I need for my post-production – and it’s incredibly fast. I can work on an 18MP image with no lag and use live filters to try stuff without committing. On top of that, with a saveable undo history, going back and making changes any time is a cinch.”

The end result is an evocative composite that marries sound shooting skills with a cutting-edge digital workflow. If you’d like to try it for yourself, download the project files – including the layered file for those who want to unpick the technique, plus a few extra images to experiment with – via, then go to to start your free trial.

“Affinity Photo has all the tools I need for my postproduc­tion – and it’s incredibly fast. I can work on an 18MP image with no lag”

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