Digital Camera World

Image test


Dynamic range These two shots were taken as closely together as possible to minimise changes in the sky. We fully expected the GFX to hold on to a little more highlight detail, but actually it was the D850’s raw file that had a little bit extra in reserve. Both cameras’ raw files responded well to an exposure increase of approximat­ely 2EV to test how well the shadow detail could be enhanced, but the D850 lost out to the GFX, introducin­g more image noise in the lightened areas.

Colour rendition In general outdoor photograph­y, using auto while balance and the default Film Simulation/Picture Controls on both cameras, the GFX tended towards brighter, warmer images with more open shadows. Sometimes the results were very similar, but at other times the D850 tended towards cooler, gloomier tones. Anyone buying a camera at this level is likely to shoot raw files and apply their own styles, but for zero-effort ‘grab’ shots, the GFX’s results were closer to ideal.

Colour rendition Beautiful as the GFX’s colours are, they didn’t always prove accurate. These two pictures were taken moments apart with both cameras set to auto white balance. The D850’s version (right) is pretty dull and flat but an accurate rendition of the scene, while the spectacula­r pinks and violets of the GFX image (left) look great but appear to have come from nowhere. An inspection of the white balance settings reveals the GFX has applied a large tint shift towards magenta, while the D850 has applied an opposite shift towards green.

High ISO noise Our final test was carried out at ISO 12,800, using auto white balance on both cameras and shooting JPEG images to test their in-camera noise reduction. Again, the GFX displays a markedly warmer colour balance, whereas the Nikon’s is slightly cooler and greener (and probably a little more accurate). The GFX is right at the top of it standard ISO range, while the D850 is a stop below its own standard maximum – yet it’s the GFX that delivers the cleaner, crisper results. The textures in the wall, where both cameras were focused, is more crisply defined, and the noise pattern in the sky is finer and cleaner.

 ??  ?? Nikon
 ??  ?? Nikon
 ??  ?? Nikon
 ??  ?? Nikon
 ??  ?? Fujifilm
 ??  ?? Fujifilm
 ??  ?? Fujifilm
 ??  ?? Fujifilm

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