Digital Camera World

Augmented Sky

Make boring skies spectacula­r with AI-powered blending


Add interest and a sense of wonder to the skies on your shots using Luminar AI’s powerful Augmented Sky, which seamlessly blends visual elements into the sky area of your photo.

1 Object Selection

The Object Selection dropdown menu is where you can choose the visual element that will be seamlessly inserted into the sky area of the image.


The Amount slider controls the opacity/strength of the object. Warmth allows you to warm or cool the object colour, while the Relight slider matches the object to the lighting and colour of the sky.

2 Place Object

By clicking on the Place Object button, a bounding box appears. It allows you to move, rotate and resize the object to achieve a better fit within the scene.

3 Mask Refinement

Luminar AI does an excellent job of blending the object with other elements in the image that protrude into the sky, but it’s not always perfect.

This slider refines the blend.

4 Defocus

If you’re working with an image that has a shallow depth of field and, as a result, a blurred sky, the Defocus slider allows you to match the object to the background blur.

5 The object

This is the object in the sky, showing a Place Object bounding box that allows the object to be resized to fit, moved or rotated. Click on the Place Object button when you’ve finished.

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