Digital Camera World

Pack the frame with colour 1 PACK THE FRAME WITH COLOUR

Set a wide aperture and create a frame effect that combines a focal point for the eye with an autumnal wash of colour


For vibrant, high-impact shots of autumn colours, overcast or even damp days are perfect. Although this seems counter-intuitive, a blanket of cloud provides low-contrast lighting and avoids the problems of extreme light and shade that sunny days bring.

Low-contrast conditions allow you to concentrat­e on two vital elements: how you arrange the shapes in the scene to create your compositio­n, and how much of the scene you hold in sharp focus. By carefully adjusting your camera position, you can shoot through leaves close to the lens and create a natural frame that not only acts as a boundary to hem in the scene, but also subtly leads the viewer’s eye into your shot.

Use a short-to-medium telephoto lens (around 70 to 200mm). In Aperture Priority mode (A or Av on the mode dial), set a wide aperture value, such as f/2.8 or f/4. This will give a shallow depth of field: by focusing on the more distant leaves in the centre, you can diffuse your natural frame into a blurry wash of colour.

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