Digital Camera World

And the winner of the Halloween challenge is…

- Amina Grigore

In issue 248, we challenged our readers to shoot their best image of Halloween. Well done to Amina, who wins a copy of Affinity Photo worth £49/$50.

Digital Camera says: With the introducti­on of a fine smoke trail, this is an inventive take on a traditiona­l still-life photograph. And the distinctiv­e crop makes this image even more interestin­g.

2nd place: Pauline Graham

A well-lit tableau of various objects that would individual­ly conjure up a Halloween vibe – and putting them together in the same scene creates a compelling hook for the viewer.

3rd place: Andre Minoretti

From the model’s attire to the smoke permeating the frame, this image is freighted with mystery. Why stand on a branch? Why are there six balloons? Why the cocked hat? Spooky…

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Join us on Facebook! We’ll reveal the winner of issue 249’s Autumn photograph­y challenge in a live stream on 6 January at 5.30pm GMT. digitalcam­eraworld

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