Digital Camera World


Explore the interface


Folders and Results

Use the Folders view to see where the photos you’ve added to Excire are located, then click Add to bring in more shots. Click Results for a list of the searches you’ve done recently, so you can repeat the search.


Change the image thumbnail size to see more or fewer photos at once. Use the toolbar underneath to favourite, tag or flag photos; filter photos taken on a chosen date; or sort the order in which photos are shown.

Find photos

Excire Foto and Excire Search 2 offer four types of search: find by keyword; find by face type; find a specific person; and find photos of a similar style. Just click the relevant icon to get searching.

Collection­s & Groups

Collection­s are compilatio­ns of images that share a theme that matters to you, while Groups assemble different Collection­s into a broader theme. You can convert a search result into a Collection or add images manually.

Manage photos

Hover over any image for quick access to important tools. Click the magnifying glass to find similar photos, or the people icon to find that person in other images (in Excire Foto and Excire Search 2 only).


Excire analyses each image you add for its content and photograph­ic style, then adds keywords based on what it finds. Search for photos using these keywords, or add the keywords to image metadata for use elsewhere.

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