Digital Camera World

On board with… Shooting the ocean


1 What to look for in a compositio­n

“First and foremost, how can I bring the viewer into this scene, how can I give them the ability to feel like they’re with me? That’s a huge part of it. If I’m so obsessed with the artistry that I lose sight of giving the viewer an honest perspectiv­e, then that becomes challengin­g for me. Over the years, I have tried to become a little more aware of the viewer and aware of their perspectiv­e.”

2 Simplify the process

“Simplifyin­g the process is really important. You know the old adage about the best camera being the one you have with you? I don’t believe that’s true. I think the best camera is the one you’re willing to pull out, the one you’re willing to use. I’ve been in a beautiful area in a really remote location, but unwilling to pull out my camera because it was too cold or it was at the bottom of my bag.”

3 Choose the tool that suits you

“Photograph­ers nowadays have so many tools at their disposal… as well as mirrorless cameras and DSLRs, camera drones, camera phones and GoPros are all great for documentin­g what you see. The older I get, though, the less I feel I have to stick to a certain medium or format.”

4 Make the most of camera tech…

“I would be lying if I said that technology has not helped play a role in what I feel I can create now. There was a time when I felt limited by camera technology, but the constant improvemen­ts in what cameras can do have made it a little easier to realise my creative vision.”

5 … but don’t let it be the main focus

“We have access to so much technology, it’s overwhelmi­ng. In many ways, it doesn’t do us a service; in fact, having so much tech might even do us a disservice. I never like it when people feel in some way that they need technology to get the image. Of course, I feel that technology is a part of it – if it’s for a specific image or a specific photo and it helps you tell the story you need, then it’s a great tool to use. But I don’t think the technology needs to become the singular focus.”

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