Digital Camera World

Pros and cons Filters

Bring out the full drama in your pictures


Using lters might not suit every photograph­er. The exceptions are protection lters, which play an essential role in lens welfare so suit all subject genres, and the polariser, which is more than useful in a wide range of situations such as helping to control re ections, enhance skies and reduce glare. However, if you enjoy shooting scenics, a lter kit can not only help you realise your creativity but the process is involving and enjoyable, and getting the result right is part of the craft of photograph­y.

Get it right in-camera

Using lters to get the eect as right as possible in-camera is immensely satisfying. Assessing and metering for the scene, deciding which lter is needed and then adding and positionin­g it in the ‘sweet spot’ all make the whole process of photograph­y more involving.

The polariser

The polariser can produce eects that aren’t achievable in editing software, so it’s worth using them to enrich blue skies, cut down re ections, reduce glare and saturate colours. Most absorb around 1EV of light and can be used as an ND lter.

Slows the process down

In the same way as using a tripod, using lters makes you stop and think about what you are doing and that can lead to better, more considered compositio­ns. This is an unexpected bene t that shouldn’t be underestim­ated.

Plenty of choice

Buying a quality lter system is a serious and expensive business and there are many brands vying for your custom, oering a choice of dierent approaches. With 100mm lter systems, there is a degree of cross-compatibil­ity, so although it might be possible to mix and match, you might prefer to stick with one brand.

They are expensive

A lter system comprising the lter holder, lters and adapter rings is an expensive investment. Also, because you’re adding extra layers of glass or plastic in front of the lens, it pays not to skimp on lter quality and buy the best your budget allows.

More items to carry

A lter system adds to your load, but you can take a minimalist approach with a polariser in the bag and protection lters on each lens.

Software gives more control

Adding a lter eect such as a linear gradient in software is simpler and more controllab­le than using a camera lter. It also means that you’re not stuck with an eect you might not want. However, some eects, such as a polariser or an extreme ND, can’t be simulated in software quite so easily.

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