
Reader feedback

- Elizabeth Johnson

Southern NSW – and indeed many areas in the north, west and south-west of Sydney (it seemed at times as if all of the eastern seaboard of Australia was on fire) – was severely impacted by catastroph­ic bush fire events. Those threats continued up until very recently when we received enough rain here on the south coast (ie 400km south of Sydney) to finally extinguish blazes. It has been a harrowing time. My hubby is a firefighte­r with a small rural brigade and he has been going non-stop for months. Now there is some space to breathe and unpack the boxes and suitcases that have been set by our front door ready for evacuation. We departed our home on three occasions thinking that we might never see it again. Thankfully we were given a reprieve, unlike many in this region who lost everything.

I guess what I am trying to say is that no wonder mail deliveries went a bit haywire during this period. And yes, the postal address you quoted is accurate. The original mag may eventually turn up, but I thank you most sincerely for posting me an additional copy. It is one of the best food magazines I have read in many years, and I truly relish reading and cooking from it.

PS Each time I evacuated, I packed my dish mags in a carry bag and loaded them in the car. See... truly valued!


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