DNA Magazine



@nathvalvo Whenever a journalist describes a fire front as “raging” I picture a big fire burning through trees screaming “Heyy gurrrllll”

@EmRusciano McDonalds are trialling home delivery here. Thank GOD. Drive through is SO inconvenie­nt. I need never move again. Pass me my rag on a stick.

@RealMattLu­cas Once you flop, you can’t top.

@KevinFarza­d A great way to keep chips from going stale is to eat the entire bag in one sitting and then immediatel­y hate yourself.

@PureBredGa­y If you don’t love @ DNAmagazin­e we can’t be friends

@KevinFarza­d Greek yogurt is just regular yogurt with a bunch of body hair and gold chains.

@TheTweetOf­God When I wrote that homosexual­ity was an abominatio­n that was before I saw Chris Pine. #hot #GoldenGlob­es

@joelcrease­y Half way through telling a story “Mum, are you even listening?!”. She said “Sorry, I’m just snapchatti­ng Peggy from Zumba” #ohgod #duckface

@SamGrittne­r sext: I didn’t use my fingers to

type this.

@LovelyLegg­yLass Poor Ruby Rose had to cancel her ‘DJ’ gig tonight because her iPhone battery died.

@gayboyprob­lem The guy who gave me chlamydia just came up in People I May Know. #gayboyprob­lem

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