DNA Magazine


Our plan is simple enough. Eat a little from each of the following categories at each meal, four to six times per day:


essential amino acids and be less than ten per cent fat. Examples would be lean beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seafood, low fat dairy, eggs and egg whites. It would not include sausages, fatty cuts of meat, lamb chops or whole bacon. colour, variety and freshness! Aim to include two to three different colours of vegetables, fruit and/or legumes (beans, peas, lentils) at each meal. The less processed the better, so lightly steaming or heating would be better than deep fried and crumbed. Legumes should be soaked and prepared properly to reduce levels of phytates and improve digestibil­ity. to get plenty of healthy oils into your diet, even if it means adding them dressing-style to your meals after they’re prepared. Cooking with great quality olive, canola and coconut oils can make a big difference to how food works for your body compositio­n. Avocado, seafood, quality dark chocolate and raw nuts provide extra fats. We also suggest adding a good dose of omega-3 rich fats like seafood, fish oil supplement­s, flax and flaxseed oil; and chia. at adding muscle (which all of us should be for the metabolism boosting and feelgood benefits) a small amount of starchy carbs like potato, whole grains, pasta, rice and bread are part of a complete diet. If you are looking at lean muscle gain, keep these items within two hours of a workout when your body can use the additional energy to perform. If you need to gain a fair bit of weight, consume these with most meals once the previous three diet elements are implemente­d.

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