DNA Magazine


Mike Campbell on core strength.

- MORE: Mike Campbell is a personal trainer, author and man coach – helping men become their own perfect mix of 007, Mandela and Batman. He is a former DNA cover model and the author of Unleash Your Alpha – Eat Like A Man, Train Like A Beast, Operate Like A

SOME MAY PREFER round shoulders, or a firm butt, but when it comes to self-image, abs are easily number one on the ‘I want’ list for guys. The question is, how does one get them? A thousand crunches a day? Cut out carbs? Cut out fat? The answers are maybe and maybe not. It comes down to a complex process of having a body fat percentage that will reveal the abs and also forming the actual muscle that will see them take the washboard shape.

So let’s assume that one large part of this (dropping body fat) is largely being taken care of by healthy eating to an appropriat­e calorie requiremen­t and content make up, adequate quality sleep and management of unnecessar­y stress. Ok? Good.

When it comes to training there are three main key principles to consider and apply.



By far one of the most important elements for both the formation of good abdominal muscles as well as helping in shifting the fat above them is strength training. What we’re dealing with here is more than just the movements themselves, but what’s happening inside you. More specifical­ly, your physiologi­cal response and what your hormones are doing.

We want to promote testostero­ne and growth hormone to help build new muscle (and at least maintain what we have) and burn fat. Lifting heavy will also get your abs working in order to hold your torso strong to move big loads. So doing heavy squats, dead lifts and military presses all require your abs to work overtime while all the hormonal stuff is happening too.

Lifting heavy can also encompass specific abdominal training (such as hanging from a bar and lifting knees to elbows or toes to bar) to increase the strength and size of the muscles themselves – a powerful combinatio­n.



As well as lifting heavy to promote a beneficial hormonal environmen­t, one of the best additions to any ab-exposing program is high intensity training. This can take the form of intervals like hill sprints, high intensity resistance training (HIRT) activities like CrossFit, or heart rate variabilit­y training (HRV). Either way we’re looking to create a lactate environmen­t (yes, that means it will hurt) and get your body working to burn fat. Note: steady state cardio is completely fine and a good option to aid in fat loss, however, I recommend limiting it to once or twice a week max and prioritisi­ng the above.


Inconsiste­ncy is probably t he one t hing letting most guys down in t heir quest for a drool-worthy stomach. Quick f i xes to dropping t he extra kilos is a massive i ndustry; however, t he simple fact is t his: consistent hard work i n all t he areas mentioned above is t he only way to actually get a washboard stomach.

Jumping programs, trying the latest fad and falling in and out of training will all dent your progress. The sugar-free reality is that in order to get abs you have to consistent­ly apply yourself to your training (plus healthy nutrition and sleep/stress patterns).

So dig your heels in, lift heavy, train with intensity and work on burning fat and building strong abs. Focus on nailing the 99 percent and they’ll come.


This is a full on workout, so complete as follows. Both A exercises to be done in a superset, 5 reps of each and 5 rounds in total. Then the same for B: 4 rounds of 8 reps of each. Then for C: 3 rounds of C1 to C3 in a row. In each superset rest after each round as stated. Do this workout twice a week with hill sprints20 seconds on/60s off x 10.


A1: Barbell Dead Lift – 5 x 5

Standing with feet at hip width bend down to grip the bar just outside shoulder width, ensuring that you activate the big muscles of your back and shoulders. Make sure you hold a neutral spine throughout the whole movement. Stand up by pushing feet into the ground, straighten­ing the legs and then f inish the movement by driving hips forward, squeezing glutes.

A2: Barbell Military Press – 5 x 5

Lift the bar off the rack holding it high on your chest. Lift your chest high and keep your shoulder blades strong – pulling them back and down slightly. Keep your entire body rigid: squeeze quads, glutes and abs as you drive the bar up overhead using shoulders and triceps. As you go past your head, draw your head back in order not to hit it (pull your chin in to your neck) and then bring back to neutral as you clear it. Rest 90 seconds between each round.


B1: Barbell Back Squat – 4 x 8

Step under the bar ensuring that it is placed high on your upper back, resting against your upper traps – not your neck. Hold chest high and squeeze upper back. Set feet at comfortabl­e distance – probably just outside shoulder width facing slightly outwards. Squat down under

Consistent hard work in all the areas mentioned above is the only way to actually get a washboard stomach.

control, holding chest high and ensuring entire spine stays in neutral. Brace through your abs. Keep feet and heels f lat to the ground and ensure knees remain over toes throughout the whole movement.

B2: Chin Up – 4 x 8

Grip the handles so that palms are facing each other. Begin the lift by pulling shoulder blades back down and continuing on pulling chest past elbows as you drive towards the handles. Tuck your pelvis under slightly so that your abs have activated. Ensure you hold your chest high throughout movement. Ensure shoulders are pinching slightly and not rolled forward. Rest 60 seconds between each round.


C1: Push Ups – maximum (aim for around 10, so, if necessary, come up onto an incline). Set up with your hands on the ground just wider than shoulder width and your feet on the ground close together. Hold neutral spine, activate your stomach muscles and lower your chest to the ground, keeping spine neutral throughout. Your arms should bend as you lower and be at 45 degrees to your body. Drive back up to the starting position, keeping your spine neutral and shoulder blades slightly pinched together (neutral).

C2: Medball Slams – 20 reps

Stand tall and hold the ball overhead. The aim is to explosivel­y throw the ball at the ground in front of your feet, while keeping your arms straight. Catch on the bounce and lift back overhead keeping arms straight if possible. This is to nail your lats and shoulders in an explosive movement. Keep abs locked on tight throughout.

C3: Kettlebell Hip Swings – 20 secs

Stand with feet either side of the kettlebell, facing straight ahead. The handle should line up with the toe end of your shoelaces. Bend down to grip the handle. Your shins should angle slightly and your knees will be slightly in front of your toes. Drop your hips to a point where you have your shoulder slightly forward of the handle. Hold chest high, squeeze muscles of entire back and lift. As you stand, drive your hips forward. Do this with power and explosion. Your intention from the ground to top should be speed. Lower with control, ensuring your spine stays neutral, pushing your hips behind and back towards the starting position as the bell pushes back between your legs. Drive back to the top by extending your hips forward, holding spine neutral and allowing the bell to swing up to head height. One after the other then rest for 75 seconds between rounds, 3 rounds total.

 ??  ?? For best results, combine hanging leg raises with heavy lifting.
For best results, combine hanging leg raises with heavy lifting.

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