DNA Magazine



I am so fucking dishearten­ed to see that institutio­nalised gay hate is on the rise. I thought we were past all that. I thought we had won our rights and could move on. Yet, here we are, in Australia, still struggling for gay marriage equality, and now we have the lunatic fringe of One Nation vilifying us, and the Q Society praising Muslims for throwing “pillow-biters” off buildings.

Throughout the 1980s I helped in the campaign for decriminal­isation, and in the ’90 I protested with ACT-UP and attended candleligh­t rallies during the AIDS crisis. I thought our battle was over and done. No! The way politics is going we are going to have to man the barricades yet again to secure our basic human rights and I, for one, am up for the fight.

You fired me up with the Donald Trump story [DNA #204]. It’s been clear since he made his public debut (discrimina­ting against black tenants and lying about it even when he was publically caught out) that he is not an honourable or trustworth­y operator. How did the USA make such a blunder? Can Australia learn from this and not go down the same path, please! – Christophe­r Roberts, Clovelly NSW Yes, the LGBTI community must raise its voice in protest, but condemnati­on must also come from fellow conservati­ves who find this hate speech offensive. – Ed.

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