DNA Magazine




New Year resolution is to be a more pleasant person. Each year, around January 13th as I’m barking orders at my bestie, Miss Peta, she reminds me that, yet again, I couldn’t even last two weeks.

Perhaps we should all stick to grooming resolution­s instead? Here are an easy four to start your 2019.


Begin the New Year by heading into the shower and throwing away the loofah you bought in 2015 – then go buy a new one. Make sure it’s a quick drying, hygienic material and throw it in the washing machine at least once a week and always hang it out to dry in the sun.


I know that the worrying sound dentists’ tools make as they enter your mouth can be quite alarming, but if you are wondering why, in the past year, no one has wanted to kiss you, might I suggest that both gum disease and tooth decay cause bad breath! Book an appointmen­t this January and get smooching in 2019.


Check your bathroom vanity to see if you need to have a good chuck out session. One thing to be on the lookout for is skin care and fragrances that have gone bad. Most have a shelf life of about two years and will usually have expiry dates. If it has expired, then dump it and go on a spending spree for New Year potions and lotions.


Gum disease and tooth decay cause bad breath. Call your dentist.

Take a look through some of your old photos and see when you last changed your look? If it’s been a few years, it’s time to go with something new. If your hair is short, grow a bit of length at the back – not a mullet as such – just add some texture. Or something to hold on to: grrrrrr! Or if you have longer, floppy hair, take it short and sharp and experiment with a trimmed beard or goatee. If it’s a disaster, there are so many good wigs available… kidding!

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