DNA Magazine


Reducing plastic waste and your greenhouse footprint could mean taking a step back in time.


It’s not easy being green. I think that’s what Kermit said? I’m not sure; obviously I was more of a Missy Piggy fan. Going green in grooming, the best place to start is with the shave and I’m happy to say that the Next Big Thing is very much a nod to the past.

I sing halleluiah for the beard and stubble generation. It would be very interestin­g to see how much less waste we have produced since beards became the bomb but, woefully, we still bin two billion disposable razors a year. Yes, two billion and they can’t be recycled.

So, if you’re still shaving, even if it’s just your neck, your balls or, god forbid, your back, its time go green and buy yourself a safety razor and all the gorgeous creams and brushes that go with it.

Your granddad probably shaved with what’s called a safety razor. Over the past 20 years we’ve all been bamboozled giddy with hype above shaver “technology”. But I’m here to tell you that safety razors still give a better shave, in the long run are more economical and, if that isn’t enough, the blades are fully recyclable, so using them will help save the polar bears.

Even if you aren’t concerned about the environmen­t (sad face emoji) and you’re all about you (hair flick emoji), another benefit is that safety razors look gorgeous atop your marble bathroom vanity (eyeroll emoji).

To get you started you need the following…


Shaving with a safety razor reduces skin irritation because you only have one blade against your skin at any time. Yes, it will take more time but my advice is to enjoy the experience. Personally, I’m rarely that satisfied with a quickie anyway.


A shaving brush lifts the hair from the face making it easier for the razor to cut the hair close to the skin. One thing, though, is keeping them clean and dry, preferably in the sun. I dated a guy who used one that was always damp. Our time together was brief and that was one of the reasons.


So why a cream in a tin and not a can of shaving cream? It’s not so much a green issue as aerosol cans are recyclable – but make sure it’s completely empty as it can’t be recycled if it still has cream in it. The real benefit of creams that you use with a brush is that they have no alcohol in them, and they soften the hair far more effectivel­y than canned creams. Making for an easier shave and happier skin!

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