Dogs & Pets

Feeding your ferrets


Here’s some advice from the RSPCA: ‘What should I feed my ferret?’

Ferrets are strict carnivores. In the wild they prey upon and eat whole animals that consist of raw meat, raw bones, other tissue and digested vegetable matter.

They require a diet of meat/ animal products that are typically high in protein and fat and low in carbohydra­tes and fibre. There are some good quality commercial ferret foods available in Australia but they may be difficult to obtain. The alternativ­e is to offer a constant supply of high quality commercial kitten food.

Human grade raw meaty bones may be offered occasional­ly (e.g. once a week) to help keep teeth clean. It is important to only offer human-grade raw meat/raw meaty bones as pet meat products can contain preservati­ves that can be detrimenta­l to pet health.

Never feed cooked bones as these may splinter and cause internal damage or become an intestinal obstructio­n. Raw meaty bones must be large enough so that your ferret cannot fit the whole bone in its mouth or try to swallow the bone whole. Please check with your vet first that raw meaty bones are suitable for your ferret (e.g. some ferrets with dental disease may have difficulty chewing on raw bones).

Treats such as fruits and vegetables can be offered occasional­ly but only in minute quantities. These need to be soft and easily digestible, such as melons, pear etc.

Clean fresh water should be available at all times in the form of water bottles and/or heavy bowls.

Nutritiona­l supplement­s are normally not necessary for ferrets, provided they have a balanced diet.

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